403(b) Contribution Limit Calculation (Pro Edition)
403(b) participant name: [required]
Contribution year (ensures that the right limits are calculated: [required]
Check here if employer has adopted the age 50 catchup provision:
If true then please provide date of birth (m/d/yyyy):
Which best describes the employer offering the 403(b) plan?
Public school
Your total compensation from this employer for the full tax year: [required]
How many total years (incl. fractional years) of service will you have at year-end? [required]
Give only partial credit for years you worked part-time or only part of the year. NOT required if less than 15 years.
If you worked less than full-time, or less than a full year, for the tax year in question: (if not, skip these 2 questions)
What percent of full-time did you work?
How much was your actual compensation for a full-year equivalent?
If part-time, include compensation from this year plus enough prior service to equal one full-time year.
About previous contributions to this employer's 403(b) plan(s). SKIP if you have less than 15 years of service.
How much have YOU contributed BEFORE this tax year?
INCLUDE pre-2002 Section 457 contributions. EXCLUDE Age 50+ catch-up contributions.
Check below if you have used special "catch-up" limits with ANY employer
Check here if you've used the Elective Deferral Catchup (extra $3,000 catch-up for long-term employees):
If so, how much of the $15,000 lifetime is used (incl. ALL prior Roth 403(b) contribs.)?
Check here if you've used the Church Employees Catchup (Up to $10,000 per year):
If so, how much of the $40,000 lifetime limit have you used?
Current year mandatory contributions, if any, to a Defined Benefit Plan:
If the employer makes NON-matching contributions, or you are REQUIRED to contribute, to a
403(b) plan
Total amount of either kind of contribution being made in the current tax year:
If the employer makes MATCHING contributions to a 403(b) plan:
Percentage of your contributions that are matched by your employer:
Maximum percentage of your compensation you can contribute that your employer will match:
Compensation on which percentages are based (IF different from gross compensation above):
If ANY employer offers a 401(k) or other Defined Contribution Plan, other than a 457 plan:
How much in VOLUNTARY contributions to such plans are YOU making THIS tax year?
How much in REQUIRED contributions to such plans are YOU making THIS tax year?:
If you have 15 or more years of service, how much did YOU contribute BEFORE this tax year?
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